**********************************THIS BLOG IS NO LONGER ACTIVE*********************************
This blog captured my summer adventures while an APM Intern at Google.
I have currently moved-on to full-time work in the start-up world and am writing my new Sprucing It Up blog instead.
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Intern at Google by day; San Fransisco devotee by night.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wait, most hip-hop dance classes don't involve flow charts...?

I work on the main campus at Google, known generally as the Googleplex. Join me on my trip to a set of buildings slightly off the main campus, affectionately called the "Honeyplex."
It occurred to me that I have been fairly deliberate about obfuscating a lot of my actual work activities from this blog. It seems like the majority of people who stumble upon this blog aren't going to be as interested in my day-to-day tasks which include events like: creating designs and human-interaction models for web products (e.g. suppose you were given the task to design the colors, buttons, user-flow, etc for a new online movie-watching application), dreaming up huge lists of features we could make and then prioritizing which ones actually get built, meeting with engineers for debugging code and playing with (or breaking!) demos ... and hundreds of other things. It's hard to describe concretely, in that the APM role at Google requires the enthusiasm to tackle a bunch of roles at once and create the perfect storm among your team to deliver awe-inspiring products. I can assure you that this lofty goal isn't accomplished by doing a standard set of daily tasks, and most days I am still discovering the subtleties of the role from observing those around me.

Also today at Google (and ironically related to a "bee"): Alex Trebek from Jeopardy! visited to host a geography bee among Googlers.

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