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This blog captured my summer adventures while an APM Intern at Google.
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Intern at Google by day; San Fransisco devotee by night.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stranded and exhausted in Louisville, Kentucky.

It's 4 AM from the floor of the Louisville, KY airport. This is where your inner-monologue kicks in: waaaaait a second -- aren't you living in California this summer, Katie? Why on earth would you leave that paradise to find yourself in the, well... unnecessarily hot, humid, admittedly-a-little-less-exciting-than-San-Francisco, city of Louisville?

The ultimate irony is that for the past three nights, I have been living like a princess in a Hyatt suite while attending the ASEE Confernce -- king-sized bed, hot showers, a nice panoramic view of the downtown Louisville skyline. Now, after a series of tornados in Chicago and a stroke of bad luck, I found myself choosing to endure an overnight stay in Kentucky (the "emergency hotel room" was $80 and the college student in me just couldn't justify that!). It has, however, allowed me to experiment with my amateur architect skills, as I have collected three chairs from around the airport and constructed a very lumpy "bed."

On the bright side, I have made many, many friends over my last 18 hours in this airport. One of my favorite coincidences is meeting someone who went to high school with Google's Marissa Meyer, and was barely able to recall her name. Bear in mind that she is arguably the woman in technology right now! I am still here for a few hours, so who knows what this treasure trove of airports holds?
Santa Cruz Blissss

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